January 2010
Telling Stories to Her Nation
Six commercials by the late Malaysian filmmaker Yasmin Ahmad
by Amir Muhammad posted January 29, 2010
Her Brilliant Decade
Chantal Akerman on New York, mother-daughter bonds, and her '70s classics
by Melissa Anderson posted January 19, 2010
More Than Talk
A close look at a scene from Eric Rohmer's Chloe in the Afternoon
by David Schwartz posted January 15, 2010
A Cinema of Cruelty?
Looking beyond the clichéd portrait of a frivolous, voluble Eric Rohmer
by Charlotte Garson posted January 15, 2010
The More Things Change
Chaos and transformation in Akira Kurosawa's films
by Bilge Ebiri posted January 13, 2010
The Perfect Moment
A frequent collaborator's memories of working with Eric Rohmer
by Nestor Almendros posted January 12, 2010
Shadows of Russia
A history of the Soviet Union, as Hollywood saw it
by Farran Smith Nehme posted January 6, 2010
Mission: Improbable
Hollywood's controversial contribution to the wartime effort
by Lou Lumenick posted January 6, 2010
Moments of 2009
Our contributors and colleagues pick the past year's moving-image highlights
by Various Writers posted January 1, 2010