December 2011
Moments of 2011, Part 1
Our contributors and colleagues pick the past year's moving image highlights
by Various Writers posted December 30, 2011
Moments of 2011, Part 2
Our contributors and colleagues pick the past year's moving image highlights
by Various Writers posted December 30, 2011
Hang It on a Wall
What it means to call Barry Lyndon a museum piece
by Chris Wisniewski posted December 27, 2011
Obscure Objects of Desire
The contradictions of Cuba in the work of Nicolás Guillén Landrián
by Chris Fujiwara posted December 19, 2011
Vertigo Variations, Pt 3
A few ways of seeing Alfred Hitchcock's impossible object
by B. Kite and Alexander Points-Zollo posted December 16, 2011
Train Spotting
James Gray on his Viscontian Queens epic The Yards
by Jordan Mintzer posted December 14, 2011
The World According to God
The strange truths of Jean-Luc Godard's Histoire(s) du cinéma
by Michael Atkinson posted December 12, 2011
The Conjurer
Buster Keaton and the uses of illusion
by Ben Robinson posted December 9, 2011
Beyond Diabolical
The multiple sides of Henri-Georges Clouzot
by David Cairns posted December 8, 2011