January 2009
Kill Your Television Series
The bittersweet, dignified demise of Battlestar Galactica
by Mark Holcomb posted January 29, 2009
Independent America, 1978-1988
Myths of the new narrative (and a few counter-suggestions)
by Jonathan Rosenbaum posted January 26, 2009
The Invisible Author
Death and self-negation in the historical films of Roberto Rossellini
by Bilge Ebiri posted January 21, 2009
Play It Again, Pac-Man
An appreciation of the peculiar allure of early video games
by Charles Bernstein posted January 15, 2009
Hot Circuits
Reflections on the first museum retrospective of the video arcade game
by Rochelle Slovin posted January 15, 2009
In Between Days
A cinematic history of presidential transitions
by Nicolas Rapold posted January 12, 2009
Beyond Valkyrie
How the two postwar Germanys told the story of German resistance
by Anne Nelson posted January 8, 2009