The Moving Image Source Calendar is a selective international guide to retrospectives, screenings, festivals, and exhibitions.
Descriptions are drawn from the calendars of the presenting venues.

(Re)Inventing China: A New Cinema for a New Society, 1949–1966
September 26–October 6, 2009 at New York Film Festival , New York
Following the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, a series of debates emerged as to the role of the cinema in the new socialist state. What kind of balance should filmmakers strike between the education of the masses and their entertainment? What should be the place of Chinese cultural traditions in creating a national cinema? This film series presents 20 films from the so-called "Seventeen Year" period-from the founding of the PRC to the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution-that sought to respond to these debates about what kind of cinema this "New China" should have. Included are a number of works never before seen in the U.S. as well as well-known masterworks such as This Life of Mine and Two Stage Sisters (pictured).
Featured Works:
(Re)Inventing China: A New Cinema for a New Society, 1949-1966, is a 20-film anthology of works from the crucial early years of the People's Republic of China.
Program information:
(Re)Inventing China: A New Cinema for a New Society, 1949-1966
Related Articles:
A Revolution on Screen, Pt 1 by Kevin B. Lee posted Sep. 24, 2009
A Revolution on Screen, Pt 2 by Kevin B. Lee posted Sep. 28, 2009