
The Moving Image Source Research Guide is a gateway to the best online resources related to film, television, and digital media.

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  • Women in Film & Television: A Bibliography   Peer Reviewed
    A list of books and journal articles about the representation of women in film and television. The material spans many different genres, eras, and topics. Includes links to other topical bibliographies on the UC Berkeley site, such as "Sex in the Movies" and "Hollywood Melodrama." The resources listed are available in the UC Berkeley library, but many of the books can be found elsewhere.
  • World's First Television Recordings  
    A website devoted to the pre-history of television in Great Britain, featuring early experiments in television by John Logie Baird in 1926. Archived are some of the earliest known television recordings, including Baird's experiments with his Phonovision system and early BBC test recordings from the 1930s.