Glass Houses
The anti-allegorical impulse in Andrei Zvyagintsev's Elena
by Michael Sicinski
posted Jan 6, 2012
Fighting Words
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Fighting Words, Part 2
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Robin Williams: A Sense…
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Non-Stop Productions
Nadezhda Markina and Andrey Smirnov in Elena, directed by Andrei Zvyagintsev
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Glass Houses

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The 1 Percent Solution by Michael Sicinski
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Michael Sicinski is a film writer and teacher based in Houston, Texas. He is a frequent contributor to Cinema Scope, Cineaste, and GreenCine Daily.
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Michael, my question is this. Zvyagintsev includes a shot of a nurse, who sets the bed just as efficiently as Elena does in the opening sequence. Does(n't) that imply(reveal) something about the nature of the relationship? I wouldn't go as far as to claim that the couple are in a purely give-and-take relationship, but the shots of different televisions, breakfast across the tables, does say something along those very lines, doesn't it? I absolutely agree with you - Why should he give the money?
SatishN posted 09.01.12