The Moving Image Source Calendar is a selective international guide to retrospectives, screenings, festivals, and exhibitions.
Descriptions are drawn from the calendars of the presenting venues.

The Films of Manuel DeLanda
March 4–6, 2011 at Anthology Film Archives , New York
Audacious. Outlandish. Subversive. Intense. Insane. These are just a few of the inadequate adjectives that fail to describe Manuel DeLanda's fantastically disarming and deeply funny films. Known today as an author, teacher, and philosopher, DeLanda was a maker of celluloid works that remain among the most innovative, abrasive, and hypnotic films produced in the '70s and early '80s. Raised in Mexico and transplanted to NYC, DeLanda, rather amazingly, created most of these films while still an undergraduate at the School of Visual Arts. Radically conceived and frantically edited, DeLanda's energetic, semiotic cinema earned him instant acclaim in the international experimental film world. Unique among the films of their era (or of any other for that matter), DeLanda's movies have a highbrow philosophical tinge, lowbrow wit, and punk rock style. Out of circulation for nearly two decades and newly restored by Anthology from the best existing sources, these utterly distinctive films will undoubtedly rearrange your synapses.
"An anarchist who studies analytical philosophy, DeLanda makes aggressive, wild movies that simultaneously leap all over the place and stand absolutely still. His punchy Dada-like stances have a certain built-in versatility insofar as they manage to defy The System while both embodying and benefiting from it....DeLanda brings a certain Latin camp wit to his European theoretical models, from Wittgenstein to Deleuze and Guattari. A touch of the happy charlatan is similarly brought to his glitter punk credentials that hark back to such diverse Spanish-speaking surrealists as Arrabal, Buñuel, Dali, and Jodorowsky-although, unlike most of his predecessors, DeLanda prefers LSD and computers to the sacraments and anti-Christs of Catholicism in establishing the terms of his shock (and semi-mock) rebellion." -Jonathan Rosenbaum
Anthology Film Archives' preservation of the films of Manuel DeLanda was generously supported by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and the National Film Preservation Foundation. Manuel DeLanda will be here in person for the screening on Saturday, March 5.
Featured Works:
The Itch Scratch Itch Cycle (1976, pictured); Incontinence: A Diarrhetic Flow of Mismatches (1978); Ismism (1979); Raw Nerves: A Lacanian Thriller (1980); Judgment Day (1983)
Program information:
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Abstract Machines by Ed Halter posted Mar. 04, 2011