The Moving Image Source Calendar is a selective international guide to retrospectives, screenings, festivals, and exhibitions.
Descriptions are drawn from the calendars of the presenting venues.

Making Worlds
June 7-November 22, 2009 at Venice Biennale , Venice
The 53rd International Art Exhibition, titled "Fare Mondi" / "Making Worlds" / "Bantin Duniyan" / "Weltenmachen" / "Construire des Mondes" / "Fazer Mundos," directed by Daniel Birnbaum and organized by La Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta, is open to the public from June 7 to November 22 2009 in the Giardini (50,000 sq.m.) and the Arsenale (38,000 sq.m) as well as in various other locations around the city.
The Director of the 53rd Exhibition, Daniel Birnbaum, has been Rector of the Staedelschule Frankfurt/Main and its Kunsthalle Portikus since 2001. "Making Worlds," presented in the renewed Palazzo delle Esposizioni in the Giardini and in the Arsenale, is a single, large exhibition that articulates different themes woven into one whole. It is not divided into sections. Considering collectives, it comprises works by over 90 artists from all over the world and includes many new works and on-site commissions in all disciplines.
"The title of the exhibition, 'Making Worlds,'" says director Daniel Birnbaum, "expresses my wish to emphasize the process of creation. A work of art represents a vision of the world and if taken seriously it can be seen as a way of making a world. The strength of the vision is not dependent on the kind or complexity of the tools brought into play. Hence all forms of artistic expression are present: installation art, video and film, sculpture, performance, painting and drawing, and a live parade. Taking 'worldmaking' as a starting point, also allows the exhibition to highlight the fundamental importance of certain key artists for the creativity of successive generations, just as much as exploring new spaces for art to unfold outside the institutional context and beyond the expectations of the art market. 'Making Worlds' is an exhibition driven by the aspiration to explore worlds around us as well as worlds ahead. It is about possible new beginnings—this is what I would like to share with the visitors of the Biennale."Program information:
Making Worlds—53rd International Art Exhibition
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