The Moving Image Source Calendar is a selective international guide to retrospectives, screenings, festivals, and exhibitions.
Descriptions are drawn from the calendars of the presenting venues.

70,000 Years Just Like One Day
April 4 - July 27 at Deutsche Kinemathek , Berlin
Alexander Kluge's Current Work for Television Films, Plus an Installation - A Place of Enchantment. At present, Alexander Kluge is dealing with the history of human civilization. The title of his work in progress is "70,000 Years Just Like One Day." For this purpose, he has held numerous conversations - with paleobiologists, behavioral scientists, linguists, bioacoustic researchers, etc. - i.e. with those experts, who trace the history of humankind. It's an enterprise similar to the stories in 1001 (Arabian) Nights; packed with suspense, driven by scientific curiosity, colorfully told, and determined by the accuracy of facts and phenomenal theories, which open new doors onto the world.