The Face of Cult
A lot of ink has been spilled trying to arrive at an all-encompassing definition of a cult film. Rather than relying on words, “The Face of Cult” uses clips from more than 40 cult classics to propose that the essence of a cult film can be found in the unique, spiritual power of its close-ups. The elements of a cult classic may be closer to home than we’d like to admit. All this time that we’ve been seeking out cult movies to explore the outer depths of human experience, we’ve actually been staring at a reflection of our deepest selves.
Fighting Words
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 12, 2014

Fighting Words, Part 2
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 20, 2014

On the Margins: The Fil…
by Andrew Chan
posted August 12, 2014

Robin Williams: A Sense…
by David Schwartz
posted August 12, 2014

Mike Miley teaches Film Studies and Literature at Flintridge Preparatory School and is a graduate of Loyola University New Orleans and the American Film Institute Conservatory. His film criticism has appeared in Bright Lights Film Journal, Film International, the New Orleans Review, and Scope.
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