Silent Light
Fighting Words
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 12, 2014

Fighting Words, Part 2
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 20, 2014

On the Margins: The Fil…
by Andrew Chan
posted August 12, 2014

Robin Williams: A Sense…
by David Schwartz
posted August 12, 2014

silent film | F.W. Murnau | Frank Borzage | DVD | studio system | Hollywood | Charles Farrell | Janet GaynorFURTHER READING
Dave Kehr on "Murnau, Borzage and Fox" (The New York Times)Joe McElhaney on Frank Borzage (Senses of Cinema)
Michael Atkinson is the author/editor of six books, including Ghosts in the Machine: Speculating on the Dark Heart of Pop Cinema (Limelight Eds., 2000), Flickipedia (Chicago Review Press, 2007), Exile Cinema: Filmmakers at Work Beyond Hollywood (SUNY Press, 2008), and the novels from St. Martin's Press Hemingway Deadlights and Hemingway Cutthroat.
More articles by Michael AtkinsonAuthor's Website: Zero for Conduct
Thanks must go to Fox for the incredible DVD set and to Mr. Atkinson for a most illuminating article. For those who suffered through the decades of the "Borzage eclipse," fostered by cynical critics unwilling or incapable of recognizing romanticism as a high and relevant art in the Twentieth Century, it is a miracle to see Borzage masterworks receive just praise. It is also a miracle that LUCKY STAR was rediscovered and restored after 62 years! What's next? Sternberg's CASE OF LENA SMITH? Murnau's FOUR DEVILS? Welles's complete MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS? Stroheim's eight-hour GREED?
John Parker posted 14.04.09