Image Is Everything
You're right, it is the best looking show on tv right now. I'm watching the series on dvd now and constantly find myself pausing to take in all the props: cigarette boxes, toasters, snack trays, beer cans, and my favorite: Betty Draper popping away at those pigeons with a BB gun.
bleithal posted 12.07.08
Jessica Winter,
I think you're a fabulously insightful writer with a broad base of intellectual, historical and sociological information. I'm emailing this article to Matthew Weiner.
Roy posted 08.07.08
Jon Hamm is one HANDSOME guy and a good actor. His voice is like melted butter ...
Mad Men is one of the few quality shows on cable TV, ANY TV. I love the nostalgia of it, from the storylines to the music to the clothes.
It's a nice escape from today's silly programs.
LOOKUP posted 08.07.08
Wow. What a dense article. You really understand Mad Men (which, in my humble opinion, is the best show on television).
I'm going to take a moment to plug Basket of Kisses (the only Mad Men fan site). We loved this article and have been quoting it. We thought it was hysterical that you called Don Draper a "basket case" because that's our nickname for our users.
And, despite the fact that the name is kitsch and fan sites themselves can be a little silly, at least in concept, the rich and rewarding part is that there are so many thoughtful, intelligent people discussing this show at a very nuanced level.
Deborah Lipp posted 08.07.08
Fighting Words
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 12, 2014

Fighting Words, Part 2
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 20, 2014

On the Margins: The Fil…
by Andrew Chan
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Robin Williams: A Sense…
by David Schwartz
posted August 12, 2014

Jessica, My first time on the sight and I got to read an insightful article with depth, intellectual acuity and great background! I now have a couple of new books to read also. I was just entering college in this era and Madison Avenue stories were always in the press. I love looking back at the impeccable art direction, but the real capture is the state of relationships between men and women, at home, in marriage/affairs, and in the office. Such a repressive time for women! Such a false freedom for men. Most real show on TV!
Sofia posted 12.07.08