Grand Openings, Pt 3
David Fincher, whose latest movie The Social Network is currently in theaters, is a master of form; there's usually a reason behind every shot and cut in his movies—a big-picture sensibility that explains every choice. That includes credit sequences, an aspect of Fincher's filmmaking that's examined in this five-part series of video essays. From the brazenly spectacular sequences that open Se7en and Fight Club to the more sedate, elegant openings of Alien³, Panic Room, and Zodiac, Fincher cements his reputation as a big-budget utility infielder, trying his hand at many different genres, but always letting the story dictate how he tells it. Part 1 examines Alien³, Part 2 Se7en, and Part 4 Zodiac. Part 5 will examine the The Social Network.
Fighting Words
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 12, 2014

Fighting Words, Part 2
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 20, 2014

On the Margins: The Fil…
by Andrew Chan
posted August 12, 2014

Robin Williams: A Sense…
by David Schwartz
posted August 12, 2014

Grand Openings, Pt 1 by Aaron Aradillas and Matt Zoller SeitzGrand Openings, Pt 2 by Aaron Aradillas and Matt Zoller Seitz
Grand Openings, Pt 4 by Aaron Aradillas and Matt Zoller Seitz
More: Article Archive
San Antonio-based film critic Aaron Aradillas is a contributor to The House Next Door, the founder and publisher of and the host of “Back by Midnight,” an Internet radio program about film and television.
More articles by Aaron AradillasMatt Zoller Seitz is a writer and filmmaker whose debut feature, the romantic comedy Home, is available through Netflix and Amazon. His writing on film and television has appeared in The New York Times, New York Press, and The Star Ledger, among other places. He is also the founder of The House Next Door, a movie and TV criticism website.
More articles by Matt Zoller SeitzAuthor's Website: The House Next Door