Good Neighbors
Art and cinema in Buffalo's 1970s avant-garde
by Colin Beckett
posted May 3, 2012
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Collection of the artist. Courtesy of the artist and Greene Naftali, New York
Examinations, by Tony Conrad, 1979
Photo Gallery:
Good Neighbors

March 30–July 8, 2012 Wish You Were Here: The Buffalo Avant-garde in the 1970sKEYWORDS
experimental film | exhibition review | New York | Hollis Frampton | Paul Sharits | Albright-Knox Art Gallery | painting | Tony Conrad | Steina and Woody Vasulka | academia | photography | Cindy Sherman | Robert Longo | Charles Clough | video artistTHE AUTHOR
Colin Beckett is the Critical Writing Fellow at UnionDocs in Brooklyn. His writing has appeared in Cineaste, The Brooklyn Rail, BOMBlog, and Idiom.
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