Divide and Conquer
Roger Ebert's been saying things like this for a while: use chaptering as an opportunity to provide more ways into a movie.
This is reminiscent of what Julio Cortazar did with Hopscotch...he provided suggestions of alternate orders to read the novel rather than sequentially, but ultimately the option is the reader's.
Gautham Thomas posted 13.11.08
Fighting Words
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 12, 2014

Fighting Words, Part 2
by Imogen Sara Smith
posted August 20, 2014

On the Margins: The Fil…
by Andrew Chan
posted August 12, 2014

Robin Williams: A Sense…
by David Schwartz
posted August 12, 2014

Adrian Martin is Senior Research Fellow in Film and Television Studies, Monash University (Australia). He is the author of Qué es el cine moderno? (2008), Raúl Ruiz: sublimes obsesiones (2004), Once Upon a Time in America (1998) and Phantasms (1994), and is Co-Editor of Rouge.
More articles by Adrian MartinAuthor's Website: Rouge
I believe David Lynch has refused to allow chapter breaks, at least in Mulholland Dr. And isn't there a function on the Memento DVD that allows you to play it in chronological order? The DVD of Litvak's Anastasia coincidentally has two chapters which begin with the same framing, starkly showing that Litvak at that stage in his career was trying to cover as much of the script as possible with as little effort. Of course Rope should place its chapter breaks at the hidden cuts. I bet it doesn't.
dcairns posted 15.11.08